- Low Cost House Painting in Arcata
- Commercial & Residential
- Interior & Exterior House Painting Within a Day
Compare & Save On House Painting in Arcata, CA
If you need reliable, professional house painting in Arcata for either the interior or exterior of your home then Corkd can help you today. Stop putting off that project and work with Corkd Arcata house painters who will get the job done right every time. Use our Corkd Ballpark estimator to figure out costs for house painting projects of any size in less than 30 minutes. You can then schedule your time and it's as simple as that!
You Need Professional Arcata Painters Who Don't Cut Corners
Corkd works to ensure that our Arcata painters costs are both fair and competitive while making sure they have a track record of customer satisfaction. It is critical that every potential customer is treated well whether they want to know the cost of painting a home exterior in Arcata or they just need to re-paint a few rooms in their house. Get started now for:
- Exterior House Painting in Arcata
- Interior House Painting in Arcata, CA
- Baseboard Painting & Touch-ups in Arcata
House Painting Costs in Arcata, CA
Average Cost in Arcata: $4,119.17
$3,188.02 - $5,050.31
Lowest Price Paid
Highest Price Paid
Estimated House Painting Cost in Arcata: $4,119.17
This cost is based on Humboldt labor costs and includes labor, cleaning the surface and/or removing old paint, paint and equipment for the average house painting in Arcata.
Triple coating and excessive caulking that needs to be done before painting on older properties can add to the cost.
Non-Verified House Painting Companies
House Painting Near Arcata
House Painting in Other California Cities
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Zip Codes We Service
- 95518
- 95521