Compare & Save On Maid Service in Pawling, NY

When you hire Corkd pros for maid service in Pawling no stone will go unturned to get your house completely clean. Our Pawling maid service experts clean tough to reach spots like the top of your refrigerator and cabinets and underneath beds and dressers. Best of all, the Corkd Ballpark estimator will show you the cost of maid service in Pawling that you can expect before you even need a detailed quote on your exact needs. This helps you get the best prices every time so get started now.

Maid Service Costs in Pawling, NY

Average Cost in Pawling: $143.05

$125.97 - $160.12

Lowest Price Paid

Highest Price Paid

Estimated Maid Service Cost in Pawling: $143.05

This cost is based on Dutchess County labor costs and includes normal cleaning (not seasonal deep clean) of all rooms in average house. Estimated price for maid service in Pawling includes labor, tools & supplies.

Non-Verified Maid Service Companies

Verify Your Information

Gentle Power Washing

PO Box 2060

Teaneck, NJ 7666

Parisian Cleaners & Tailors

429 Cedar Ln

Teaneck, NJ 7666

Continental Maid Service

Teaneck, NJ 7666

Sterling Cleaners

1245 Teaneck Rd

Teaneck, NJ 7666

Maria's Cleaning Service

198 Hayes Drive

Saddle Brook, NJ 7663

Edward's Residential & Commercial Remodeling, Llc

175 Oxford Avenue

Saddle Brook, NJ 7663

Caalm, Llc

747 Cherry Street

New Milford, NJ 7646

Avanti Cleaning Services

137 Liberty Street

Lodi, NJ 7644

Golden Precious Cleaners

650 E Palisade Ave

Englewood Cliffs, NJ 7632

Pure Pools, Llc

120 Pershing Road

Englewood Cliffs, NJ 7632

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