Compare & Save on Roof Repair in Huntington, NY

When you need roof repair in Huntington from a professional you can turn to Corkd to save and get the job done right. Do you need Huntington roof repair after a storm or maybe you have a lingering problem with broken tiles or shingles? Whatever type of roof you need fixed, the experts at Corkd can help you today. First use our Ballpark estimator to compare average roof repair costs in Huntington so you can get a feel for the scope of the project. Next you simply fill out the form to begin comparing pricing so you can schedule a time for repairs to be made. It's that easy, get your roof fixed today!

Stop That Leaky Roof To Minimize Damage

You might not think you need emergency roof repair in Huntington for what seems like a relatively minor leak. Problems can occur however as leaks and cracks often worsen much quicker than homeowners realize. By avoiding simple one time repair work you can exacerbate the problem and cause peripheral water damage to your belongings as well. There is really no reason to wait, so get started now for:

  • Tile Roof Repair in Huntington
  • Asphalt Shingle Roof Repair in Huntington
  • Wood Shake/Shingle Roof Repair in Huntington, NY

Roof Repair Costs in Huntington, NY

Average Cost in Huntington: $482.34

$312.38 - $652.31

Lowest Price Paid

Highest Price Paid

Estimated Roof Repair Cost in Huntington: $482.34

The price estimate is based on a typical shingle roof repair job in Huntington. This cost is based on Suffolk County labor costs and includes cost of materials for a mid range shingle roof, removal of damaged are of current roof, installation and initial warranty. Use the selector above to view costs for asphalt, tile, and slate roof repairs.

Estimated job time: 4.5 Hours

This is based on average labor times reported by our licensed, certified and insured roofing companies in Huntington. It is an average of the most common roof repair projects.

Non-Verified Roof Repair Companies

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Ralph Maida Construction

39 Tecumseh Avenue

Oceanport, NJ 7757

Carroll Construction Company

1307 6th Avenue

Neptune, NJ 7753

More Core Construction, Inc.

57 South Main Street, #360

Neptune, NJ 7753

All Shore Fiberglass

36 Carter Ave

Middletown, NJ 7748

World Wide Restoration and House Lifters

50 Chelsea Ave, Ste 206

Long Branch, NJ 7740

Air Tight Spray Urethane Foam

30 Seaview Ave, # 1

Long Branch, NJ 7740

Superior Siding And Roofing

220 Broadway

Long Branch, NJ 7740

Duran Construction, Llc

615 Vernon Street

Long Branch, NJ 7740

Hondu R-R General Contractor

262 Westwood Ave

Long Branch, NJ 7740

Royal Roofing

192 Cedar Ave

Long Branch, NJ 7740

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